torsdag 14 april 2011

Interview with Urban Wahlberg, Marianne Hagman and Anna Wiklund

What is the goal with this project? Are you going to
build houses or are you planning to build something else?

The goal with this project is to increase the popularity of Enköping,
and to create new residential areas. The vision of Wahlberg, Hagman
and Wiklund is to build houses, improve the heating plant, and also to
purify the water in the harbor. They want to create a more
environmentally friendly harbor.
Can the teenagers influence the vision of the harbour?
The inhabitants of Enköping can influence the project. Those who work
with this project arrange meetings and everyone in Enköping is welcome
to participate in these meetings. If you have some ideas, they promise
to listen to what you have to say. Future plans for the development
of the harbor area are displayed as an exhibit at the Town library.
Visitors are welcome to view models during opening hours.
Enköping Library is located in the center of Enköping. It only t
akes five to ten minutes to walk from Frist Hotel Park Astoria to the
town library.
Link to the town library:
Below is a map of the way from First Hotel Park Astoria to the library:

How many are working with this project?
Urban Wahlberg is in charge erything concerning this project,
although there are other people involved in this extensive project.
When is this project finished?
No one really knows when the project will be finished. Patience
is the keyword. Everything takes time, and this project is so
extensive that they have to take one step at the time. Every step
in the process takes time; they have to listen to everyone who
has ideas. In the end what will be built is decided by the estate
Are there any obstacles in this project?
The heating plant and the wharf create problems since both take
up a great deal of space. There will be changes to make the harbor
a more inviting area with less noise from the heating plant.
The wharf may be moved to another location. The location,
however, is not yet decided.
The scrapyard, the recycling plant and the power station are also
problem areas. At the present there are no solutions on how to deal
with the relocation of these properties.

The Future

The harbor area is one of the most interesting areas for future Enköping. The history of the harbor area is characterized by industrial activities. Enköping is situated near the large lake Mälaren and many large cities, like Västerås, Uppsala and Stockholm therefore it has and still is an interesting town for industries and businesses.
Today the discussion of changing the harbor area to an area
of ​​housing is on-going. The area has great potential and could
give more life to the town. The area is close to the town center,
service, parks etc. The municipality wants to invest heavily in
building environmentally friendly living areas.
Today there are about 40 000 people in Enköping. The
municipality has a vision to increase amount of inhabitants to
50 0000 by 2030. The reason why the municipality wants to
increase the number of inhabitants of the town is to expand and
develop the town.

The History of the Harbour

The built-up area near the Enköping harbour has slowly been transformed from an industrial to commercial area. The industries were placed near the water since the lake was used as a way of transport. The boats have been replaced by trucks and that is why the harbor is not as important as it used to be.

torsdag 31 mars 2011

Enköping Harbour Today

Enköping harbour has a café that is very popular during the summer season. In the café you can have a drink while you socialize with friends and family. Every summer a popular restaurant boat, serving shrimps and other types of seafood, cruises Mälaren. Alongside the wharf in Enköping harbour a restaurant and an arts and craft shop are accommodated in 18th  century  grain warehouses.

Link to the café and resturant:
Every summer the city of Enköping hosts a concert, The Harbour Festival. Popular artists perform at several stages and there is also a small amusement area for the children.

Link to the harbour festival:

onsdag 30 mars 2011

About Mälaren

Mälaren is one of the biggest lakes in Sweden and probably the most important lake. 1,5 million people are using the water from Mälaren. The name of Mälaren originates from 1320s and means “the lake of gravel”. Mälaren covers an area of 1140 km2, which is 5% of Sweden´s total area. The lake reaches over four province. The harbour of Enköping is an important port in Mälaren.